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Make the
Bathroom Pop
with Wallpaper

Bathrooms need personality. By using wallpaper, a homeowner can bring depth and color to a small space without adding clutter.

The patterns available today range from mild to wild. Flavor Paper has a selection that the company boasts, “…will add burst of flavor to any room.” Don't be afraid of extravagent design. Wallpaper doesn't have to be a lifetime commitment.

If the homeowner has moderate do-it-yourself confidence, the look can be changed every 24–36 months. In terms of time and money, a good rule of thumb is 1–2 hours and $150–$500 per 100 square feet.

However, wallpapering a bathroom is not a project for the faint of heart. Check out a step by step guide from This Old House for an idea of the difficulty involved. It might save a lot of frustration to just hire a professional to take on this project from the very start.

A more modest first time attempt might be to just line the medicine cabinet with a splashy pattern. Authors Derek Fagerstrom and Lauren Smith have included this project (along with 49 others) in their book, Wallpaper Projects,available from Chronicle Books.